
Michael Har-Noy


Dr. Michael Har-Noy has announced that his experimental individualized cancer vaccine, known as CRCL-AlloVaxTM, is now available under a combined “Compassionate Use” /Phase I/II study protocol in Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Michael Har-Noy says this experimental vaccine is produced from a sample of the patient’s own tumor. The vaccine can be produced from viurtually any type of solid tumor, including those arising from the breast, prostate, pancreas, lung, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, bladder, and thyroid gland. Dr. Michael Har-Noy indicates that the vaccine can also be produced from gynecologic tumors (those arising from the vagina, uterus, cervix, and ovary), melanomas, sarcomas (including Kaposi’s), and lymphomas.


Contact Address:

Immunovative Therapies, Ltd.
P.O. B 974