Brothers and sisters Giving victory to Mushrikeen over Muslims IS NOT THE SAME AS Taking aiding from Mushrikeen over Muslims! Be careful.
The first is Kufr Riddah, the second is generally considered a sin but not Kufr!
Giving victory to Mushrikeen means that you give them Victory to overcome the Muslims whether the banner belongs to the mushrikeen and they will rule the Muslims!
Taking aide from the kuffar Against Muslims means the banner belongs to the Muslims, the mushrikeen will not rule over the Muslims. This is generally considered a sin As the prophet (s) said "I will not seek aide from a mushrik". But it is not considered Kufr. It doesn't fall into the category of "allying With the mushrikeen against the Muslims". Review The position of the sunnah on this matter, the difference between seeking aide and giving Victory. You have some making takfeer on those who seek aide when in reality it is a sin and not Kufr.
I will quote some scholars from the 4 schools of thoughts on this issue.
Hanafi's : Ibn Nujaym Al Masri
"“it is not allowed for us to seek help from the people of Shirk against the people of rebellion if the ruling of the Shirk is dominant. And there is no harm for the people of justice to seek help from the Bughat and the Thimees against the Khawaarij, if the ruling of the people of justice is dominant"
Abu Yihya Zakariyah Al Ansari | Shaf3is
“And seeking help against them from a Kâfir is Harâm, even if he is a Thimmî, as it is not allowed to give authority to him over us.” – until he said: “Yes, it is allowed to seek their help when it is a necessity…”
Hanbali's | Ibn Qudamah
“And he does not seek help from a Kaafir in fighting them, nor from he who permits killing them, because the point is to repel them, not to kill them, whereas the objection of those ones (i.e. the Kuffâr) is to kill them.Then if the need calls for seeking help from him, and he is able to prevent them from committing what is not permitted, seeking their help is permitted. Otherwise it is not.”
Ibn Hazm
‘This is according to us (that it is not allowed), as long as the people of justice have ability to defend. But if they are at the brink of annihilation, and are in necessity, and they have no stratagem, then there is no problem for them to seek refuge with the people of Harb and to use the people of Thimmah in defense, as long as they are certain that they are in their support; they do not harm a Muslim nor a Thimmî in blood, wealth or a sanctity from what is not permitted.”
These ARE NOT MY WORDS so spare me I am justifying sahwat arguement. I fully 100% oppose taking aide from mushrikeen over Muslims even If they are Bugh'at or Ghulat or even khawarij! But this is for all those who read a quote here or there and make takfeer on tens of Thousands of Muslims in Al Sham. One brother told me AbdelAziz Salamat (leader of Levant front) is a apostate because he said "if we get Weapons to fight IS we will defeat them like the Kurds did". SubhanAllah, he didn't even get those weapons, secondly how do u make Takfeer On an issue which the Scholars disagreed upon and majority opinion is that taking the aide is a sin!
This misconception is not limited to only IS as they made takfeer on much smaller issues but this misconception is with many youth. That is why we say return to the Sincere scholars because Sh Google and Ustad Facebook will leave you in deviance! Fear Allah.
Keep in mind the scholars spoke and said it is not Kufr to seek aide, And by AIDE they meant kuffar fighting (actual fighting and killing Of Muslims),
Not asking for weapons or money or of this sort. The reason Giving Victory to mushrikeen is Kufr is because you enable THEM To have AUTHORITY over Muslims and rule them, control their affairs!
Meanwhile seeking aide the Authority and rule still belongs to the Muslims, and the Sharia will still control the affairs!
I really believe Sh Abu AbdAllah Al Shami of JN should release a video explaining this difference and remove the doubts raised by some.