Leaked by: Abu Ahmad Al Iraqi https://twitter.com/zoher73506999
Translated by: @Truth_ISIS
NOTE:The Name of ALLAH was wrongly translated in english,i edited it.and [RIP too which we muslims should not use instead say (Rh) i copied the whole document on fresh justpaste.
1- Bismillah Arrahman Alrahim May Allah guide us to honesty n fareness We recognized a significant problem in fight against #ISIS
2- In many cases #ISIS was sending A3ajem(not-arabic speaking) brothers to fight against Mujahideen! Those brothers had no source
3- of knowledge but what #ISIS jurists tell them about the other mujahideen. We have doubt that these brothers are sincere, hence
4- we wanted to bring the truth of #ISIS devil and the shocking facts about it into other language(s). We chose to translate
5- the testimony of a shaikh Zoher (his nickname)@zoher73506999 on #ISIS from the very beginning even before US invasion of #Iraq
6- Shaikh #Zoher is a former companion of Abu Mouassab #Zarqawi and a soldier of #ISI who gave bayah for Abu Abdullah AlRashid
7- AbuAbdullah AlRashid is the Emir of #ISI known also as Abu Omar AlBaghdadi and later gave bayah to Abu Bakr AlBaghdadi; before
8- he discovered the shocking truth about AlBaath penetration in #ISI and later #ISIS. He joined AlQaeda in #Afganistan late 1999
9- he was on of the survivors after bombing #kandahar airport. #Zarqawi went from #Afganistan to#Kurdistan before he gave bayah
10- to #AlQaeda and even before he established Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (#TnJ). shaikh #Zohermanaged to reach #Iraq before
11- #US invasion of #Iraq and joined #Ansarussuna in #kurdistan. He joined #Zarqawi in forming the#TnJ, because Zarqawi was sure
12- of #US invasion sooner or later. #Zarqawi started to prepare for that.
13- They started training and preparing with finishing up treating Their injuries they had got in#Afghanistan ...
14- then he was ordered by #Zarqawi to get out of #Iraq and work in several neighboring countries as a coordinator.
15- The #US invasion for #Iraq started and the lion of Tawhid, #Zarqawi, began to fight his enemies
16- Then he announced officially the establishment of #Attawhid_waJihad after which he got stronger.
17- Sheikh Zarqawi thought of joining #AlQaeda and he consulted Shura council.
8- beside contacting Sheikh Osama bin Ladin (rh) for discussion.
19- How #Zarqawi was assassinated? How #ISI was formed? How could intelligence penetrate in #ISI n at which level?
20- #Zarqawi was assassinated dueto treachery of and iraqi traitor(was captured n killed later) After he gave bayah to #BenLaden
21- After #Zarqawi's death, AbuHamza #AlMuhajir took leadership n followed different strategies in terms of security n management
22- #AlMuhajir dealed with strength and later he gave bayah to Abu Omar AlBaghdadi who wasn't well known in the organization
23- Abu Omar #AlBaghdadi was neither a big leader nor a small person, he was a normal person. All were amazed and asking about
24.qua;ifications of al baghdadi
nd the reason of the bayah?! see the message of Abu Sulaiman AlOtaibi
25- Afterwards, #ISI was declared n many good n bad people joined it n many battalion gave bayah. Some wanted to seize a position
26- and some others wanted to penetrate in the #ISI. Many former iraqi army officers who "repented" also joined but kept AlBaath
27- mentality either intentionally or not! Many others from @AlKataeb20 n Islamic Army in Iraq #IAI. Some also joined by orders
28- of syrian n saudi intelligence and some after orders of Izzat al-Douri (#Adduri) n the former officer AbuAli AlKhalili.
29- #AlKhalili was an officer in palestinian organizations in #Iraq during #Saddam's time, and after returning back to #Syria
30- #AlKhalili arranged with syrian Mukhabarat to act in #Iraq. All, penetrations n security mess n feeling that #ISI is powerful
31- state and dealing with others with that background resulted in public anger and the formation of#Sahwat! The author says:
32- "#Sahwat was a loose name we called everybody who fought us doesn't matter whether muslim or kafir, we treated them as kuffar
33- We allowed their blood and money, and we killed who used to be around them in the place shielding them may Allah forgive us"
34- "With bad connection in blur vision of way and goal a.w.a bad organization and building on gathering people we thought we are
35- still the only right side! The weaker we got the more penetrators could manipulate us, we were jumping from Baath hands to
36- syrian mukhabarat hands! Soon after we operate we used to detect that our work was manipulated for the benefit of others,
37- although it seemed to benefit Islam! e. g. our bombing against rafida was wanted by rafida leaders to give reason to arrest
38- hundreds of sunni men and youth!" Later, #AlMuhajir and the first #AlBaghdadi were killed. As@wikibaghdady exactly said:
39- "#ISI leader were usually killed together". The selection of the so called Abu Bakr Al #Baghdadi was the worst ever!
40- "Abu Bakr #Baghdadi was unknown for most us, but because bad connections everyone thought that the others had selected him"
41- @zoher73506999 continues: "I do not deny that we progressed after selection of #Baghdadi but as usuall it was just a trap"
42- Later, the revolution in #Syria started and #Zawahiri ordered to form #JaN (#ISIS'ists claim of forming#JaN isn't correct)
43- There was agreement with #AlJoulani about several points such as methods and treating syrians and avoiding previous mistakes
44- Al #Baghdadi's name is Ibrahim bin Awwad AlBadri of Bubadri tribe. He was born in Samarra and lived there.
45. @zoher continues:I looked over his parentage and asked reliable and just men for that ...
46- continues:" I stopped when I knew that the promoter of The honorable Alawi Bloodline Commendation Association ..
47- is accused of being Shiite and he said that Bubadri tribe doesn't belong to Quraish nor to Ahl al-Bayt.
48- Then Allah guided me to meet a genealogist mujahid brother who confirmed that Bubadri And Badris are not of Ahl Albayt
49- ... and so Al #Baghdadi doesn't belong to Baghdadi dynasty nor to Qurashi one .
50- Abu Dua'a Samarra'i ( Abu Bakr al Baghdadi according to his lies ) studied in the Islamic Saddam University.
51- Samarra'i was doing a PHD degree in the aforementioned university in Tajweed but he didn't gain it.
52- He is not an Islamic Professor, not of Baghdadi or Qurashi dynasties nor does he belong to Al Hassan or Al Hussein bloodline
53- but " Qurashi " rather became a "Cliché" used by every #isis Amir, another proof of #isis's lies.
54- Amir al-Mu'minin, as they claim, who fight #Syrians now, had escaped Iraq when US invasion took place ..
55- #Baghdadi lived in # Damascus, #sayeda_zainab for 3 years until 2006. He escaped from #Jihad in#Iraq ..
56- and kept in #Syria for 3 years; in this period many spies were being prepared to work against Jihad in Iraq ..
57- Most of those who were arrested in Syria by the regime were recruited that time.
58- Abu Faisal Azzaidi was Al #Baghdadi's closest friend in #sayeda_zainab. Azzaidi is a cousin of Mu'az Saffuk ..
59- Abu al qaqaa the second, also another friend who made Al Baghdadi acquainted with Mu'az, the Syrian regime's agent.
60- AbuBakr Al #Baghdadi returned to #Iraq in 2006. The husband of his wife's sister(3adeel) was leader of (Ansar Al Tawheed)
61- this man was devout & pious and #Zarqawi loved him & respected him. Zarqawi did never meet with#Baghdadi because Baghdadi
62- #Baghdadi was in #Damascus when #Zarqawi was killed. When Baghdadi returned, he met shaikh Muharib Al Jbouri who ...
63- used to visit #Syria and knows #Baghdadi from his visits to Syria. Part of (Ansar Al Tawheed)gave bayah to #ISI when declared
64- #Baghdadi gave bayah to #ISI after that and worked with Muharib Al Jbouri. Soon later Baghdadi was arrested for a some years.
65- In jail #Baghdadi clashed with brothers in the jail because of his Ashaari Sufi background he got from Saddam Uni. He knew ..
66- nothing about Hakimiyya and takreef restrictions! Later he was released &he joined #ISI again where he worked in the post
67- #Baghdadi's job in #ISI post was simply that a brother throws the post in his yard and another comes to take it, but he ..
68- does not know who are the two sides! At the same time #Baghdadi was released another two former brigadiers were also released
69- brigadier Muhammad Nada Al Jbouri from #Sdaira: (#AlRaii) & brigadier Samir Abd Muhammad#HajiBakr member of Baath command
70- #AlRaii was hired as commander-in-chief of #ISI and he hired by his turn his Baath fellow #HajiBakras his second hand.
71- Abu Omar AlBaghdadi and Abu Hamza Al Muhajir knew #AlRaii well but they never used to meet#HajiBakr! After AlRaii was killed
72- #HajiBakr was hired by Abu Hamza Al Muhajir as commander-in-chief of #ISI, although they didn't know him well except of what
73- #AlRaii's recommendation to him. This was because Abu Hamza & Abu Omar were isolated due to security conditions!
74- We continue with #ISIS_Leaks to talk today about how Abu Duaa Al Samiraii ( Abu Bakr Al#Baghdadi) could reach the leadership
75- He continues: After AlRaii's being out, the two Sheikhs kept for 7 months in one place in which they were killed
76- The were killed with their guards and some leaders; they didn't contact anyone except through Munaf AlRawi.
77- Munaf AlRawi was Wali of Baghdad; he was the most and the only trusted one, and he was the oldest member
78- among the new leaders who were called by Abu Hamza " necessity's leaders " for their being young.
79- Munaf AlRawi was the one who coordinates the post and delivers it. One of the "post houses" was Ibrahim AlSamarrai's house
80- but AlRawi never knew any of the correspondents; i.e. the sender and the receiver
81- During these 7 months, AlRaii, who was Dawlah's Chief of Satff, was killed. After that, #HajiBakr , member of Baath ...
82- was pointed as the Chief of staff who was previously imprisoned for his relationship with Ezzat Adduri
83- 7 months later, one of the correspondents who knew Ibrahim's house was arrested; he also knew Alrawi's house.
84- One member of Baghdad's security told Abu Awwad Samarrai about the correspondent's arrest
85- The security man also told Abu Awwad that this correspondent knew Arrawi's house.
86- Abu Awwad replied that he is just post house and he knows no one, he said: (You think those like me knows any body? ..
87- I hope the captured correspondent will be patient). The security man got out with tears in his eyes because of him
88- The correspondent confessed about Munaf AlRawi & then about Abu Omar AlBaghdadi and Abu Hamza AlMuhajir and they were killed
89- A mess happened upon the death of the leaders + too many were arrested in whole #Iraq and hence it was only #HajiBakr left!
90- This #HajiBakr was a fox and very committed to Baath. He used a malignant trick and called each leader in #ISI alone and ..
91- deceived them that all others agree on Abu Awwad, so that he agrees! Majority of leaders agreed and thought Abu Awwad is a ..
92- jurist and he is an old companion of #Zarqawi and he is Qurashi Hussaini and Baghdadi (Non of them are true!), so they agreed
93- Those leaders agreed on Abu Awwad were later excluded in several ways. And this is how the post man became the Amir!
94- He continues talking about Al #Baghdadi's Baathist retinue: Abu Ahmad AlAlwani, Abu Abdurrahman AlBilawi ..
95- In addition to Abu Saif AlMaslawi, Abu Aqeel AlHamdani, and some others.
96- Moreover, some facts about #isis, Samarra'i the liar person who falsely claims being of Qurashi and Ahl al-Bayt
97- Beside some information about his Al #Baghdadi Baathist #Dawlah. All of this will be revealed insha'allah
98- Abu Dua'a AlSamarra'i ( Abu Bakr Al #Baghdadi ) was appointed as Amir al-Mu'minin ..
99- Shortly later, one of the former Baathist officer, who had already given Bay'ah to Dawlah, released from prison.
100- Abu Muhannad Assuwaidawi, a former Baathist colonel was arrested for his connection with Ezzat Adduri.
00- Abu Muhannad Assuwaidawi, a former Baathist colonel was arrested for his connection with Ezzat Adduri.
101- last days before arrest, Asswuaidi joined #Dawlah for a week and then he was arrested.
102- When he released, he objected on appointing #HajiBakr as the Military Commander.
103- AlSamarra'i tended to satisfy him by convincing #HajiBakr to leave his position. Therefore, #HajiBakr was held for a while.
104- Asswuaidawi started his job powerfully so that he bombed many places and areas ( military or civilian.)
105- What matters for him is satisfying the Amir with many bombing missions.
106- @zoher73506999 continues talking about what Asswuaidawi did : " In this period of time it was noted that ..
107- much of muslims' blood was shed carelessly justified by " Tatarrus " a religious term which means that ...
108- the enemy is taking civilians and innocent people as a shield. This led to a big reaction against Mujahideen
109- apart from the mistaken " Church mission ."After a short period of time, a group of Baathist officers
110- those officers revealed some prison's files and documents which caused #HajiBakr to be ousted in order to satisfy them.
111- Abu Muslim is Turkmen came from Tal Afr. He was so loyal to Saddam, then to Ezzat Adduri
112- and then he was arrested for a long time due to his stubbornness and being so committed to Al Baath.
113- This colonel and the others officers were the " spearhead " in perversion al Qaeda method in prisons.
114- They used to assault and abuse the brothers in #Iraq's prisons.One of the most important figures who was hurt by them
115- is Al Sheikh Abu Retaj Al Iraqi Iraqi ( known as Abu Zainab, too ), the man who has a long record of Jihad
116- and the comrade of Abu Hamza AlMuhajir .Abu Retaj AlIraqi has a well known say describing the Baathist officers
117- who were with him in the prison " We are still dripping blood of Baathi pens, so how we allow them lead us.)
118- He had always warned of them. Abu Abdurrahman AlKimi, Sheikh Hajji Rashid, Abu Omar Hefa, Sheikh AlMiahi, Sheikh Abu Mansour
119- and Sheikh Abu Abdullah AlAzzawi; all of those agreed with Abu Retaj.
120- Moreover, Sheikh Abu Asia, Sheikh AlHarrari, Sheikh Abu AlBara'a AlKurdi in addition to the elite of the organization.
121- @zoher73506999 continues : I'll give a "tidbit" about Baathist officers under Saddam's regime ...
122- so that you realize why young people shrank back from joining #isis. it was because their leaders were Baathists ...
123- Baathists and they were also the members of Shura council. Salafi muslims were arrested when Saddam's rule ...
124- The first thing to be done to them before interrogation was breaking a part or two of their bodies by stones.
125- and usually they were left in prison without any treatment except burning by plastic.
126- one of the spies who used to work with Iraqi intelligence repented before the fall of Baghdad ..
127- and confessed when he came back that he used to commit adultery in his room and drink wine and Naoozub'ILLAH,tread on
128- The intelligence member was put in a room where his food was left in a hole in the roof ..
129- where he couldn't reach his food unless Auzob'ILLAH until he direspected Qur'an . wa La'aanat Ullah alaihim
130- Therefore, there was a prominent hostility by the honest and clean-tenet Mujahidin against Baathist leaders of #isis#Iraq
131- So "Murabeteen" frontline in #Iraq contained many of salafi, clean-tenet Mujahidin
132- When Abu Muslim Atturkmani ( Abu Omar Atturkmani ) was appointed as the general supervisor of #isis in #Iraq and #Sham ...
133- he wanted to get rid of the most dangerous man, #HajiBakr. So he was sent to #Shamas an assistant for Abu Du'aa Samarra'i
134- (Abu Bakr Al #Baghdadi). #HajiBakr was a shadow man in #Syria and the most influential personality in many crucial problems
135- @zoher73506999 continues : Abu Muslim Atturkmani remained as a general supervisor managing battles in #Iraq
136- and there are some issues should be mentioned about Iraq's Turkmen and how they dealt with Qaeda as Arabs.
137- Turkmen in #Iraq, namely in Tal Afr, detest Arabs in general and they try to get out of Iraq and form an independent entity
138- Also, they fought and killed Mujahidin of Iraqi Qaeda. One of the most prominent person that was killed by Turkmen is...
139- Abu Saif AlObaidi AlMusili, the security man of Al-Qaeda when #Zarqawi was alive. Abdurrahim Atturkmani had killed him
140- Abdurrahim Atturkmani was one of the worst enemies for #al_Qaeda who was known for fighting Muslim Mujahidin
141- but the big surprise is that he is now #isis Amir in #Deir_ezzor and called as Abdunnasser
142- Most of those who work with him do not know that he fought #al_Qaeda and he is totally against them and against Mujahidin
143- Abu Aiman AlIraqi is one of few persons who know that Abdunnasser is Abdurrahim the criminal who has fought Mujahidin
144- but Abu Aiman smooth over it. Abu Aiman was a spy for Saddam's intelligence before the fall
145- he is not the same person in this picture because this person was killed in#Syriapic.twitter.com/sKgNFCxEXS
146- Abu Aiman is an evil Baathist who adored Baath's ideology so that he never accept to leave his ideology
147- on the contrary, Abu Aiman wants to implant this ideology by permeation Islamists
148- Zoher continues During AlMaliki’s rule, Abu Aiman AlIraqi (Ali Aswad AlJburi) was arrested then released every other month
149- a way which is known for security members as a mean for recruiting agents and casting a bright image at the same time
150- Abu Aiman is one of #isis leaders now and a member in the supreme military council.
151- He has been known for uttering blasphemous words again and again, and many brothers
witnessed such situations
152- He has repeatedly said that he doesn't want Allah’s law to rule, but instead jungle law
153- It’s strange that some of “sheep“ who work with him disregarded that though they are ready to accuse everything of blasphemy
154- Abu Aiman AlJburi killed Sheikh Essam Arra’i , the Mujahid Omar Balush and Sheikh Jalal Bayerly ..
155- in addition to some others “Muhajirin” killed by him treacherously without trial
156- Now Zoher talks about the relation between Abu Aiman, Abu Muslim, HajiBakr, Abu Suhaib AlIraqi
157- & Abu Yahya and how they had connection with Ezzat Adduri in addition to the way they adopted in coordination and agreements
158- Zoher starts explaining the theories that Syrian Intelligence adopts when dealing with the surroundings
159- and how to get the benefit of Jihadists groups, namely the “stupid” ones
160- Assad’s Intelligence has previous experience especially in Lebanon where Assad – the father – could tame 18 sects
161- of these sects many armed groups had branched using “sticks and carrots” and sometimes by deception
162- Al-Baath regime tend to permeate not only allied factions but also their enemies. Firstly, to manage them ..
163- secondly, to destroy and finally to avoid their danger now and in future#Attawhid_Movement
164- Zoher continues : Al Baath Regime has permeated many Jihadist groups in #Sham from the beginning of Islamic activities
165- especially the Jihadist; #AlOqla is an example. The Regime has used some persons in permeation such as ...
166- : Mahmud Qol Aghasi – Abu al Qa'qa', Muath Assaffuk and Badran AlHishan in #Deirezzor
167- What we are going to talk about here is the permeation of #isis by #Al_Baath; the regime has adopted two separated methods
168- of recruiting in order to get the best results, and so Syrians lived near the Iraqi borders were recruited
169- Badran AlHishan is one of them with his group who are still working despite being arrested in 2008 by #US in #Iraq's prisons
170- Then he fled from Iraq to join back #isis where he was appointed as Amir inthe state of borders in #Syria for some years
171- The regime tended to pressure Iraqi refugees to Syria to accept being recruited and sent ...
172- to fight among Mujahidin; most of these people are ready to fight against #U.S soldiers
173- Some of those where senior officers in the leadership of Iraqi #Baath including Adduri
174- in addition to and leaders of Palestinian factions, namely AbuNidal's group who left #Iraq
175- The Syrian regime opened the door wide for those who wanted to join Jihad in #Iraq for many reasons
176- the most important reason was to have pressure upon #U.S to avoid "the coming war" on Syria as it was planned
177- Another reason was to spread spies amongst Mujahidin; also, to get rid of those who threatened the regime in #Damascus
178- Zoher continues : The Syrian regime arrested those who came back from #Iraq to #Syria
179- according to leaks reported by the spies who kept coordinating with the regime like Badran AlHishan
180- One of the spies who served the Syrian regime a lot had reached a high rank in#Baghdad
181- he was appointed as the security official who got all reports; and he had a direct connection with Badran
182- Some of those who joined #isis that time were slaves of Saddam their ranks were frozen to some extent
183- because of other senior officers from #khorasan who had a clear strategies and doctrine.
184- after killing both of Sheikhs and the leadership of Abu Du'aa Samarra'i, the number of Baathists increased
185- the-previous-baath members increased especially in high ranks such as #HajiBakr, Abu Muslim Atturkmani
186- Abu Ahmad AlAlwani, Abu Muhannad Assuwaidawi and Abu Aiman AlIraqi AlJburi.
187- The Syrian Regime dealt with them before the #Syrian_Revolution as being the Baath back in #Iraq
188- when the Revolution began, the regime started to retreat of supporting them after several years of support
189- The Syrian regime's orders hit it off with Al#Baghdadi's ambitions of expansion with his "Dawlah"
190- What the regime wanted corresponded to Al#Baghdadi's ignorance and his stupid political view
191- so the regime tended to leake critical orders of merging the two fields of #Sham and#Iraq
192- what they aimed to was to prove that #JAN was a subordinate to #Qaeda and #isis
193- To make this works, the Shura council should convince Al #Baghdadi to declare it which went OK for him
194- @zoher73506999 continues : I'm not going to talk about #JAN and how it was established or how #Jolani was commended
195- who commended him, what kind of commendation's words are and what was the purpose of that
196- The most prominent persons who keep communicating with the Syrian regime and coordinating are ....
197- : Abu Aiman AlIraqi, Abu Ahmad AlJburi, and Abu Ahmad Atturkmani who is the security man now in #isis
198- #HajiBakr was previously the "Spearhead" in setting plans and coordinating with al#Baath regime
199- let alone the fact that his passport, was confiscated later, included entrance permits for Iran and Scandinavian countries
200- #HajiBakr visited these countries using his real name and photograph. Before his death, he made a long tour
201- throughout Europe visiting several countries. this will be justified by evidences and pictures Insha'Allah
202- Ali AlJburi – Abu Aiman AlIraqi – when arriving Syria, arrested some brothers, some of them are leaders
203- and tortured them to death. He kept saying " you want freedom ? " while torturing spitefully
204- One of brothers who left #isis and escaped from their atrocities, told about what Abu Aiman was doing
205- he was participating in torture unwillingly while thinking : is what alJburi does from Islam ?
206- Abu Aiman when coming from #Iraq told detainees that he has a long list of 100 persons to be assassinated
207- and killed ( all of them were from the coastal area of Syria.) So how could he get their names while he is Iraqi ?
208- Immediately, the leader Essam Arra'i was assassinated, and he tried to kill Abu Rahhal
209- because he was going to start fighting the regime in the coastal area Abu Aiman also battled #Ahrar_Sham when storming there
210- Zoher continues talking about Abu Aiman : Also, Abu Aiman helped the regime's agent (Nadeem Balush ) who was a prisoner
211- and accused of killing the marshal Riyadh AlAhmad and for being an agent for the regime
212- Nadeem Balush has a #facebook account with " العبد الغريب " " AlAbd AlGhareeb " & in twitter ...
213- "Nadim Balush"; and Wikileaks Saidnaya. He was famous for being the regime's spy there
214- Now Balush is one of the most prominent mouth speaker of #isis and the most important persons
215- who attack all Jihadist groups in #Syria as his Baathist masters order. Today I'm going to talk about Sheikh (Ali)
216- a person of six whom #Zarqawi R.I.P advised to get back to when crises and important events happen.
217- He is the only survivor now Before #Zarqawi's death R.I.P, he commended 6 persons to be as references ...
218- that all brothers go back to manage crises. As mentioned before, Sheikh Ali is the last survivor ...
219- after being detained for a period of time. Sheikh Ali released after two Sheikhs' death ...
220- to find that Islamic Dawlah of Iraq has corrupted to be al-Baath Dawlah including al-Baath officers of all ranks
221- The lieutenant-colonel Abu Muslim Atturkmani was appointed as a general supervisor
222- AlBilawi as the general military leader for #isis, Abu Ahmad AlAlwani lieutenant-colonel- was appointed as wali for Diala
223- Also, a security member and a coordinator. The lieutenant-colonels Abu Omar Annu'aimi as Arrmadi's wali ...
224- #HajiBakr an assistant for al #Baghdadi; and so it became Baathist Dawlah with beards and Siwak
225- This is the group that rule #isis now or " Islamic Baath Dawlah," so to speak
226- Sheikh Ali was brought to cast a bright image for them, but he fled this " Baathist Dawlah " as he described
227- Zoher continues: Sheikh Ali hid from them, and they sent their men seeking him; he kept hiding until #JAN started ...
228- in #Syria, so he decided to contact them because he knew #Jolani before in prison
229- who was, according to him, a good man of a clean doctrine and deep comprehension of reality and policy
230- so Sheikh Ali contacted #Jolani and worked, with them without giving Bayah, as a supervisor and an elder brother ...
231- gives advice and share them his opinions. Sheikh Ali wanted to go to #Khorasan when he was in #Sham
232- he didn't want to be reminded of #Iraq's tragedy or who is the controller there;#Baghdadi knew of Ali's place
233- So he asked #Jolani to send Sheikh Ali for some days to meet him; he pledged that he was not going to annoy him
234- and told that he wanted Sheikh Ali to satisfy him with everything he may ask. #Jolani told Sheikh Ali with the message
235- But he recommended that Ali should not go back to #Iraq because Baathist officers are unfaithful
236- and they would not let him free if he didn't obey them. Sheikh Ali did Istikhara then decided to go to #Iraq
237- thinking that he could fix what al Baath had ruined then he would travel to Khorasan...
238- to meet al #Baghdadi who didn't respond to any of his demands concerning officers in his "Dawlah"
239- Ali left him and next day his house was raided by information came from the Syrian Intelligence
240- as it was posted that day, and now he is captive. Of course, Sheikh Ali was detained as a result of his rejection...
241- of casting a bright image upon "Baathist Dawalah," so he was reported by the officers
242- to the Syrian Intelligence who, in turn, told AlMaliki's regime about his place. some of what Sheikh Ali said ..
243- when he was first arrested " Shame on us to let Baathist officers rule."
244- Of course, this speech was after their repentance – as they claimed. NEXT Leaks we'll talk about others like Sheikh Ali
245- Zoher continues : Almiahi, Allah saves him, is one of Sheikh Subhi Samarra'i's disciples
246- Sheikh Subhi (R.I.P) fled to safeguard his faith. Similarly, AlMiahi flew from Maliki and#Baghdadi
247- Meanwhile, "#Baath Islamic State" is chasing every valuable person in #Iraq so that whether they follow #isis
248- or they would be harmed. Sheikh AbulHareth ( Arab Al Jbur ) is an example; they came to him to convince him follow them
249- but he refused then they forced him to write a letter and admit that he is coward and he left Jihad
250- the letter which they would display if he spoke. Some people swear at me and others ask, and I answer with few words
251- wake up and illuminate your minds. I haven't mentioned Sunni imams in #Iraq neither did I talk about their opinions
252- Later we are going to talk about Abu Ali AlAnbari: how he was expelled from Ansar Al-Islam
253- how he joined Qaeda and what he has done. Is he really "Anbari"? Or is it just another lie as his master #Baghdadi's?
254- Zoher says : now I start responding to those who asked why we tweet these facts. We are posting ...
255- such information because we couldn't get the whole image in mind before, and now everything is clear
256- some accused #Jolani of knowing all of these facts and keeping silent while he continued cooperating with #isis
257- Zoher here responds : #Jolani had doubts when he was in #Iraq and now the whole image became clear
258- Abu Ali AlAnbari is the senior vice of #Baghdadi now in #Sham, he is the vicious and real face of #isis
259- and he is also the direct responsible for two legal and security committees in #Raqqa
260- Zoher continues : Abu Ali Qardash Atturkmani, or AlAnbari as he is called although he has no relation with Anbar at all
261- this man was a Baathist activist and responsible for a troop in Saddam's era in #Iraq
262- Qaradash AlAnbari, Abu Ala'a as called before, worked as a physics teacher when Saddam ...
263- Saddam was the president. Besides, he was responsible for a troop in Al Baath party in#Iraq.
264- Sheikh Abo Mohammad AlIraqi – may Allah save him: " I have seen people in prison claim that they are learners
265- and some of them are so indeed, but Qardash thought that he was the only knowledgeable while actually he was ignorant. "
266- after Saddam deflating, Qardash _ Abo Ali AlAnbari_ joined Ansar AlIslam where he kept with for a short period of time,
267- and then he was expelled with the troop he joined accused of mismanagement and financial charges
268- then he joined #Qaeda with some members of the battalion with which he was expelled ( we are going to talk about them
269- and after 3 months he was appointed as a delegate of cooperation between groups
270- after a while, and due to the mission he adopted of cooperating between groups and#Baghdad
271- the leadership ordered him to travel. Meanwhile, another can be a substitute Amir on Mosel for a while
272- After a month of his mission of telling the brother to assume Imarah in #Mosel and appointing another one instead,
273- the Amir was called to meet the leadership; until that time, #Zarqawi didn't know about the issue
274- Abu Ali Qaradash AlAnbari came and begged the new appointed Amir to meet them as being Amir
275- without telling anyone else. The brother responded and he was so kind with them
276- After a short period of time, #Zarqawi know about the poly that Anbari had done so#Zarqawi deposed hime and his relative
277- he also issued that no one is allowed to conspire against others seeking ranks or Imarah because all are the same
278- Zoher continues in his witness about #isis : Some persons came with AlAnbari and joined #isis such as: Abu Mariam AlKurdi
279- his brother Abu Hammudi, Abu Omar Annu'aimi, Abu AlHuda AlKurdi, lieutenant-colonel Abu Muslim Atturkmani and Abdul Nasser
280- Abdul Nasser is the same man whom I talked about before as an Amir in #isis in Der Ezzour Deir ez-Zor
281- the same person who killed al Qaeda security man Abu Saif – R.I.P in #Iraq when#Zarqawi was alive.
282- Abu Mariam AlKurdi and his brother Abu Hammudi were agents for Americans and Kurdish Intelligence in the north
283- They permeated the organization, and later we'll talk about how they were detected
284- what sheikh Abu Shu'aib AlMasri mentioned in his witness on his previous organization "#ISIS " that ...
285- he met AlAnbari several times, and he said that he was " ignorant " who never had knowledge
286- What we ask AlAnbari Atturkmani, the official religious legal man in #isis, to issue a statement letter of his doctrine
287- in which he clarifies his religious point of view and shows his knowledge value
288- We also demand to know if he has Ijazas (a certificate got from religious scientists) he got from Sunni religious scientists
289- in #Iraq when he was free or in prison, where many scientists were with him, if he was really honest
290- Some people object when I say that those persons were Al #Baath members and officers for Saddam, so they would question ...
291- couldn't they have repented ?? So why do you talk this way about them ?? The answer will be next leaks Insha'Allah
292- Zoher continues answering the questions : Certainly, repentance is accepted by Allah and will be approved by people
293- but it has conditions and the most important one is to regret killing Muslims whom they shed their blood before
294- not to practice more killing as the do now. let alone the fact that they are cooperating with the Syrian Intelligence
295- and carrying out the orders of Syrian #Baath as a mean to abort #Jihad in #Shamespecially #HajiBakr AlAlwani and others
296- Moreover, those who repented from a gross apostasy and not judging by Allah laws are considered to be new to Islam
297- and they can't be officiated or used to carry weapons, so how can they be Leaders on two states #Iraq & #Sham ?
298- Also, the repentant should first show respect and valuation for Religious scientist especially those who he fought before
299- Zawahiri for instance – instead of challenging, disobeying and dissenting from them
300- The repentant of a gross apostasy should adopt other Mujahidin's way instead of defecting from them ...
301- and following the way of " Khawarij"; those are Baath members pretending to be religious and so they get smoked out
302- leaking pictures of slaughtering Mujahidin, distorting their bodies and killing them brutally, the same as ..
303- happened with Abu Rayyan, all of this is intentionally done by #isis #Baath leaders not to scare the opponents
304- But as a mean to rouse the public view against Muslims because, as they claim, the represent Islam
305- and the desired Islam state, let alone the fact that they agitate other Islamic groups against "Muhajereen"
306- The purpose of that is to expend and weaken those who came to perform Jihad against Bashar by fighting the true Mujahidin
307- By this, they would guarantee killing among both Mujahidin groups " Muhajereen" (who came to fight Bashar ) ...
308- and true "Ansar" who fought against Bashar with other Muhajereen, which makes it easy for Baath to continue
309- Leaders in #Ahrar_alsham and #JaN realized this plan set by al #Baath; Allah knows that I have told them about that
310- and they have always avoided starting war with #isis, but what #isis had done couldn't be tolerated
311- Al #Baath is one of the most dangerous organizations especially when it's led by "Nusairis" and the Syrian Intelligence
312- whoever denies this fact should review history and check out how many times this organization had thwarted plans.
313- #Baghdadi demanded to accept repentance of al #Baath officers who forcedly came out of Saddam's army after destroying it
314- at the same time, he doesn't accept the repentance of those who defected from Bashar's army willingly
315- With my reserve on Free Syrian Army's repentance and not announcing that they are exonerated of al #Baath
316- and judging with human laws as a constitution to rule; so what should be done is declaring immunity towards al #Baath
Translated by:
M.K. & A.A.
Source: former companion of Abu Moassab Al Zarqawi: Abu Ahmad Al Iraqihttps://twitter.com/zoher73506999