

Jihad Fiction: Detective Sherlock Holmes and D.Watsons debate concerning the Islamic state.

D.Watson: These men where after…….

Sherlock homes: The Nusra front

D.watson: yes…who are they

Sherlock: Well dear Watson they are the vanguards of Islam, the shield of the Mohammedans.

Watson: I thought they were the Islamic State

Holmes: Laughs

Watson: what is it that makes you laugh

Holmes: laughs heartily then coughs a few times… well dear Watson the “Islamic state”, there with us

Watson: How!

Holmes: we send them a bunch of Vagabonds and they fight on our behalf

Watson: How could you make such a naked claim, prove it

Holmes: lights his cigar and puffs…you see this cigar Watson.

Watson: Yes

Holmes: the fire is the Islamic state and the cigar is the Body of islam, they will destroy each other leaving only charred remains while we behold all the taste and pleasure of it.

Watson: Stares in awe

Holmes: A cancer in the Body of Islam, until now they have killed 1000 men of the Al-Qaeda branch while we could not but hope that we  kill a tenth of that number, they slandered their scholars the only hope of the Mohammedans, and their vagabonds too took their lead.

Watson: [Delighted] By Christ they have served Christendom and embarked on a crusade on our behalf.

Holmes: But wait dear doctor there is more…….

They have killed 2000 more of the soldiers of Islam in Syria and assassinate their stalwarts until this very day also they siege them from south to north east to west they[Muslims] cannot move a muscle nor find a morsel to eat…… they obliterated the uprising in Iraq against our dear Maliki and slew the Mohammedans there left and right

Watson: how delightful

Holmes: yes a lovely fellow Abu Dua a man of intelligence [Syrian intelligence] he serves the cause willingly but there is much more than you can contemplate dear Watson shall I proceed

Watson: yes please do

Holmes: they have brainwashed Islam’s youth under the Illusion of a Caliphate we have turned their sword against them, a pickaxe that we break the mountain of Monotheism with, so their youth in the stead of fighting us are helping out clear themselves.

Watson: but Mr. Holmes it would be a disaster if they were to know about this. Their fighters would turn against us!

Holmes: No dear Watson,[puffs cigar] I have solved that case myself, any fighter who knows too much is accused of Infidelity and murdered even more whosoever refutes a word  or denies fighting his fellow Mohammedans are sent to Kobane.

Watson: [scared] what is that?

Holmes: I have visited it myself a training ground for our planes to bombard, the targets are real!

Watson: and who are these Hapless folk dear Sherlock?

Holmes: why the Mohammedans I was telling you about just now doctor, but mustn't you let me go on concerning their achievements.

Watson: you may proceed.

Holmes: you’re a veteran of the Afghan war doctor yes?

Watson: yes I spent many a year over there, very tough fighters indeed I barely escaped with my life. His majesties army was torn up over their horror it was indeed!

Holmes: I agree! Alexander of Carthage had said: beware of the venom of the cobra , claw of the tiger and wrath of the Afghan.

Watson: yes,yes but why bring it up now?

Holmes: The Islamic State has Infiltrated its Fighters  ranks as we speak and is preparing to battle their Mujaheddin with their own Kinsmen, the same has been arranged in Yemen the Caucasus and Libya we are on the verge of Islam’s collapse.

Watson: Oh dear, dear Holmes you have me delighted, by Christ they are our Brothers.

Holmes: but there is more.

Watson: more than that!

Holmes: why lots more, The Mohammedans are in disarray, our accomplice has claimed that he is the Caliph and all must follow he, thus Islam’s only force will have allegiance only to us, a fitting end to Islam. But we will not leave it that way we will attack ourselves and annihilate their soldiers after all those fools are Muslims and will turn against their ruler in Due course.

Watson: they are unstoppable?

Holmes: we have reared our cub and it is nigh upon its second year almost a lion, but God forbid if those Soldiers of Islam were to unite they would be able to foil our plans and revive their long lost Caliphate and we would decline while Mohammedan’s would thrive and our people would enter into their faith as they are deceptive ending our world dominance.

Watson: [Jaw drops]

Me:[and they plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners].

Sayad Al-Hashimi