

Or Christians AND Muslims?


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only five minutes long.


This is brilliant. I’m not even sure if he actually truly understands what he just said. The universe works that way. The truth is embedded in his thinking allegorically and metaphorically. They may be the same religion.


In the same way, we don’t know if the writers of this link below were conscious of the examples they used or not. The examples are PERFECT metaphors to understand the bigger picture; – Argument is War – by analogy if you are arguing, you are at war. Ideas are food, Ideas are people, Ideas are plants, Ideas are LIGHT sources,




1 a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable (e.g. food for thought).

2 a thing symbolic of something else.

Meta (many)

Phors (from the root phosphorescent or light)

Consider that metaphors are many lights of illumination. Light is information, it is programmed instructions similar to those on a CD, and when correctly interpreted will play beautiful music. Attempting to play a CD on a turntable will not yield the desired results. Turntables play analog, CD is digital. By analogy when you see the words  “JESUS is light”, you can believe that he glows, or you can reason by analogy that he represents metaphorically; information. It is still THE WAY and your path is being illuminated, just recognize the metaphor.

Plants receive instructions from the sun (light) and act according to the instructions given and produce matter. If they do not SEE THE LIGHT, or misinterpret the instructions, they atrophy or produce a cancer and die.  Humanity is no different.  Light is a frequency, sound is a frequency. They are more similar than different. Nature speaks in symbols. Once you put on your SYMBOL EYES (like Harry Potter magic glasses) you will begin to see the truth has been right in front of you all along, symbolized for your discernment.

 You always have a choice to think literally or conceptually. Conceptual thinking is CREATION – Immaculate Conception – an idea that YOU CREATE without eating of the forbidden fruits, or being TEMPTED to believe others rather than yourself.

It is without blemish – it is a VIRGIN BIRTH of an idea. It is Christ Consciousness.


What do you see in these two pictures?

Do you see literally that one is silver and one is copper?

Do you see literally that there are two and there are five?

Do you see literally that one is bigger than the other?

Did you see that they represent different amounts?


Or did you see conceptually that they are the same? - That they represent money.


Did you look for the similarities or the differences? Modern societies have been trained to look for the differences. This embedded concept is the DIVIDE AND CONQUER thinking.

 The system is clever

Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys for being stupid. Their favorite joke is to offer Johnny his choice between a nickel and a dime -- Little Johnny always takes the nickel.

One day, after Johnny takes the nickel, a neighbor takes him aside and says, "Johnny, those boys are making fun of you. Don't you know that a dime is worth more than a nickel, even though the nickel's bigger?"

Johnny grins and says, "Well, if I took the dime, they'd stop doing it, and so far I've made $20!"


The system is designed to give you what you want because that is how nature works, and the system is cleverly recreated as a fractal man-made version of perfection. Once you see the analogous relationship, you will gain an appreciation of how things really work.


Something to ponder and observe; The “system” and NATURE do EVERYTHING symbolically, metaphorically and by analogy. Using LITERAL interpretations requires using another language - which is twisted to the creator of that language’s advantage. - untwisting it by using common sense as to the INTENT vs the letter of the law may serve you better. Most of the statutes and codes (codes means secret meaning) were written by liars (I mean lawyers). http://justpaste.it/Deprograming


If you watched the video above and now think that this is proof that every Muslim should toss out their Birka’s and pick up a nice “blingy” gold cross to wear around their neck, you missed the real point. You are demonstrating literal thinking (man made), not conceptual (spiritual). This is a fractal version of the original sin. Metaphorically, the body hanging on the cross suggests that once the "body" (senses/ the EGO ) "die" - or are not being used as primary drivers, you will ascend to heaven and be "re-united" with the holy spirit.

It is an "IN YOUR FACE" analogy of how the universe is designed.


The world you live in speaks metaphorically, and by analogy the Quran and the Bible were written using the same principles. Many historians have suggested they were written by the same people.  Is it an accident that the Pope wears a Yamaka, which is also worn by Buddhists and Jews? It shows that symbolically it is the same idea and shows the connection.  Symbolism is the creators' universal language. The universe did not give favor to providing the truth in Arabic, Chinese, English or Pig Latin.


The principles in almost EVERY religious / philosophy books are identical. The Bible and the Quran contain more similarities than differences. However, if you continue to focus on the differences you will miss the message. They appear different because the seed of thought was planted in different locations. Much like a Hydrangea that is planted in different locations. The environment determines whether the plant will produce blue or pink flowers. In the end, it is still a hydrangea.


Let’s interpret his presentation ALLEGORICALLY and METAPHORICALLY;


Jesus is not god. You can interpret this as blasphemy or you can try to understand how this metaphorically could be true. Jesus is light, which represents INFORMATION.

Read the chapters – these numbers appear to be random, but if you have studied numbers and their meaning, these numbers are extremely symbolic. Too deep to outline here.

Noticed that Jesus was mentioned more times than Mohamed: By analogy, the concept of understanding information is more important than believing in any one particular deity. Even Judaism says the same thing. The Jews are the chosen people. Jesus was Jewish. The word JEW means enlightened, it has nothing to do with "race". Those that are not enlightened are to be taken advantage of / Goyim. Same idea, different flavor.

Women are not mentioned: It is an analogy, it is NOT literal. Women represent the physical delivery device for the spirit / consciousness into this world. They were a creation of the creator. Women would be a 3D creation, spirit a 4D creation. Between the two, women are the lesser. But women AND men are 3D creations and are equal in 3D. So the analogy is that man or woman / body / ego should not be the focus of your existence and they give no mention to the allegorical "woman".  By analogy, man (the species) was created by the creator from matter (dust/clay/mud) by a vibration –analogy by words –a vibration, “let there be life.”  The Bible story says that a rib was taken from man to create women.


Understanding physics will be helpful here. But the analogy is that the creator made a fractal creation of itself, and that creation (man) now in this frequency spectrum (3D) was the source of creation for self replication and is the “source” for this equal creation, woman. They need each other and are equal. This is electronic PAIRING. Just like plants, when light hits a leaf, instructions are executed. Without the instructions, a plant could not grow. You need both. The Bible is multi discipline book, a law book, a math and physics book, but it was written to reach the intellect of the times and appeal to the uncritical, unthinking masses. Two thousand sixteen  years later, little has changed.



In physics there is mathematical balance; a Sacred Geometry which governs matter.

Without the contrast there is nothing. A positive and a negative must be in balance or there will be everything or nothing. Duality is essential to a system.

Before there was earthly creation, there was a creator which must be parthenogenic, or sexless. One creates two, to create one.  It is a complete cycle. Don’t get caught up with the LITERAL interpretation of man and woman and don’t take this to mean man is over woman, because they are equal. Both ultimately were created by the universe or creator. And in this sense I am speaking literally. What ever created earth is the CREATOR. I am not attaching any religious connotations to mean God, or Mohamed as these are limiting constructs created by man as a placeholder since the creator can not be named or understood. Names are limiting because they RE-PRESENT the original as an idea, just as a copy is not the same as the original, it is a pale imitation. Since they were created in the fractal image of the creator, man and woman both have the ability to create when paired. They create when they INTERSECT in BALANCE, like a symbolic  cross.


Let’s take the body to another level of analogy. It is the product of two creators, a hybrid, and is like the creator in two frequency ranges. Everything is a frequency in the universe. The body has the ability to create its own frequencies (sometimes referred to as the EGO) and it has the ability to listen to the creator’s frequencies. By analogy, the father (spirit) frequencies, or the mother (body/ego) frequencies. You need to listen to both (Honor thy father and mother). Said another way, don’t listen to only one set of frequencies. (by analogy the prohibition of homosexual acts- has nothing to do with LITERAL sex, it is the analogy of using the body frequencies or the creators frequencies, you need to be in balance; not using only ONE.) I mean really...do you literally think there is a dude running the universe that is creating planets and galaxies and is keeping track of the sex life of every being in creation? No, but  it IS done metaphorically and the "sin" is immediately punished based upon the laws of physics. Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me, and Do Not Commit Adultery. Symbolically repeating the same message. You can not serve two masters.


The creator’s frequencies are in the higher end of the frequency scale, the body is a subset, therefore lower frequencies. In this analogy, the creator is the spark (literally) which gives life to a new being. It is first, and then creates the body. The spark is from a higher frequency. Once the body / EGO is created it creates its own frequency. Now you have duality. The body can listen to either set of frequencies. Those from the creator (this is called higher consciousness) or those of the body or SUB-conscious.


Since the “body” was physically and literally created by woman, the analogy of woman (Eve) in the Bible suggests don’t listen to the body frequencies as they will deceive; listen to the creators frequencies. This is the same parable of Jesus saying that he gives up his WORLDLY possessions (he was not POSSESSED) by his BODY frequencies (the lower frequencies, the underworld, the demons, etc.) He listened to his FATHER the higher frequency, the electric spark, the ARC of consciousness, the ARK* of the Covenant, that if you “believe” in these higher frequencies and do not eat of the forbidden fruit (temptation to listen to your body at the exclusion of the higher self) you will enter the “Kingdom of Heaven”.

*this video is literal, but if you watch it allegorically, you will get it. They don't reveal that the allegorical arc is in your head until the last few minutes. The arc is covered in skin, the animal is unknown. It is portable. Hmmm....I wonder if they could mean man?


The “Kingdom of Heaven” is within you, it is right between your ears; in your TEMPLE.

Most EVERYTHING in the Bible is an analogy about the brain and the left and right hemispheres (male and female) and once you begin to tune in to the metaphors, you will become enlightened. Until then, you will be deaf and blind to the meanings. But Jesus, (information) will cure that as they literally suggest.


In the Quran, there is only Mariam: Here, you may notice the similarity to MARY, both are without sin (sin, being the allegory of listening to the lower frequencies) as in a clean slate, a VIRGIN uncontaminated by lower frequencies.

She went to heaven with her physical body: She listened to the higher frequencies (heaven) when confronted with a decision which conflicts with the ego.

Jesus spoke when he was very small: By analogy, you have the ability to access the higher frequencies upon birth and speak (re-create) them into existence. It will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. But only if you have a premium subscription to that channel as demonstrated by the three minute video by a child at the bottom of the page.*

Jesus created a bird from mud: The same analogy of Adam and Eve, that life was created from matter, by “breathing” (another analogy) transfer of energy into matter. Breathing is an exchange of energy, breathe in, breath out, to aspirate. To ASPIRE.

Jesus gave life to dead people – cured disease etc.: Information (Jesus Consciousness or "JC";  listening to the father/higher frequencies)- which allows you to connect with the cosmic eternal spirit/ frequencies. When you are tuned into the body channel, you can’t hear the spirit channel. For all intents and purposes, it is a DEAD channel. It is always broadcasting, it is ALIVE and will come again as soon as you tune into it.


In the end, he concludes with an incorrect and a correct interpretation. Notice the balance.


He says Muslims should become Christian. If you look closely, the concepts are so similar, that the premise that irrelevant. They are both Hydrangea’s. Celebrate and focus on the agreement.


Or as history has shown, go to war over which color is right and miss the whole point.

  more insight, click on the links below for a preview




*The message is clear, be in balance



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This page is a work in progress and may be updated with new insights. You may want to return again to see if there are clarifications or improvements in conveying the message.

10 Things More Likely to Kill You than an Islamic Terrorist