
Things which the youth admire about the ‘Awadiyah khawarij (ISIS)

1. Let not the fluency of 'Adnani tempt you to anger your lord only if u knew about the Amir of the first khawarij group and his poems. whenever a group of khawarij came out they would make their own khilafa there was never a khawarij group that did'nt have an Emir al mu'minin.

2. They would do takfir on every power and see legitimate only themselves and would fight the islamic government.

3. Prophet Pbuh told us that they would not cease to exist, a fighting takfiri group which will always exist "whenever one Horn grows it is cut"

4. until the last of them come out with the Anti-christ.

5. As for their unmatched bravery you can watch Salil Sawarim or Boko Haram operations and see the strength of their hearts.

6. But regarding the bravery of the first khawarij enough for me to present is Qazala the wife of the Amir of the Khawarij Shabib ibn Yazid, Shabib had killed 5 generals from the Army of Hajjaj and destroyed 20 armies.

7. one day his wife (Qazala) approached him and told him that she had sworn to pray in Kufa a two rakat prayer one she will read Baqara and the other Al'Imran but....Kufa is the seat of Hajjaj bin yusuf and he has an army of 60,000 while the khawarij are only a few thousand!

8. She is saying she wants to pray a 2 hour salat in his territory...... Shabib agreed! he moved with his

9. Army to Kufa and defeated some armies in his path until he got to the great mosque of Kufa where hajjaj does his sermons and guarded his wife until she completed her prayer then returned!

10.another example of Qazala is her single combat duels where she killed many knights inthe army of Hajjaj then called Hajjaj for single combat!

11. but Hajjaj withdraw fearing her bravery!

12. that is when the poet said the most famous verse

A lion against me and in war he is an ostrich              a fearful one who runs away from the whistle of a whistler

would you not come out for Qazala in the battle         or was your heart put upon the wings of a bird!

13. So where is the bravery of the khawarij of today to that of their predecessors? do not be fooled by Hollywood action movies.

14. for you would not join the armies of kufr although they have better combat abilities than the khawarij why?

15. Because you know they are on falsehood as are the khawarij.

16. As for their piety Ibn Abbas had said that their hands were like the feet of camels as they used to pray all night and their foreheads were

17. injured due to the amount of prostration and duration that they would leave their foreheads on the ground their clothes were torn and ugly.

18. Their camps would be like beehives from the amount of Quran recited at night as they were all in salatul qiyam without exception

19. also they only did takfir on the person who commits a kabira(great sin) because of their piety and their abhorrence for sin.

20. These were the qualities of the khawarij fought by Ali, as for the khawarij of today they have a bit of these good qualities ( bravery and piety and such but not the takfir)

21. But have exceeded them in brutality and harshness against muslims they are willing to do a martyrdom operation against their mujahideen brothers that they were fighting hand in hand with yesterday subhanallah.

22. May Allah give Baqdadi and 'Adnani what they deserve,

23. If I were to speak of the bad qualities of the contemporary khawarij known as the 'Awadiya (ISIS) I would never be able to complete it by today and it would need a book sized writing!

Tweets by brother Abu 'Ubayda Sayad Al-Hashimi, @AbdirahmanBash2

compiled by Bilad as-sham.