
Some of my replies to Aron-RA


(Note: My previous replies are available over here: (http://justpaste.it/Aron)l



P.Z. was not wrong.


He is wrong and you will see, God willing.


Hamza and Adnan said that the The Qur’an described the developmental sequence of embryos in a manner that was beyond the knowledge of scholars of that time, that Muhammad couldn’t possibly have known about this sequence except by divine revelation. However the description given in the Qur’an had already been given by human authors who Muhammad should have known about. Not only that, but (as P.Z. explained) the sequence described was wrong. Did you notice that once Hamza realized that P.Z. knew embryology, then he wanted to change the subject to geology?



1st: P.Z. Myers is a low profile academic figure working at a low profile university as you can see over here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZ_Myers. 2nd: He is a fanatic Atheist even after knowing the truth and he is an anti-Islam figure. 3rd: I tried to talk to him on twitter long time ago about Islam politely several times through several accounts of mine and he kept blocking me every time without even a single reply from him to me. This proves to me that he is a hater of Islam and a fanatic Atheist without enough scientific knowledge. So, his statements against Islam will not be excepted without mentioning true clear evidence(s) and reliable scientific sources and references for his false claims. BTW, he authored only one book and it is not about science or Embryology but about atheism. His book is only propaganda for Atheism to market Atheism to fools. Embryology is NOT his field at all. His field is general biology. So, he is nothing on embryology comparing to these high profile neutral  scientists:

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. If you don't have enough time to watch the full video you may watch the conclusion over here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr9knjaOvnE&feature=youtu.be&t=24s .



He said that the Qur’an described mountains as being like weights on a map that keep the earth from moving. I pointed out that isostacy actually means that the mountains float on fluid tectonic plates which move beneath the mountains. So the Qur’an is wrong again.



If Hamza said so, he is wrong. Quran does not say so. But Quran 78:7 says: "And the mountains are wedges". Some people says (pegs) but the word wedges is the correct translation here.BTW,  You may take a look over here: http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/35900/35954/wedge2_35954.htm , here:  www.i-g.org/frm-ch1-1-b.htm , here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/isostacy?s=t , and here: http://isostacy.wikispaces.com/Factors . All of them are very short pages.



We know how Muslims like to cite scientists when they think they support them, or more accurately when they misrepresent the science to make it seem supported. This is something a friend of mine exposed on his channel:

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1st: Nothing proves to me that he is the same person. 2nd: If he is the same person I would say: Since he is NOT a Muslim, his testimony for Islam is accepted and his testimony against Islam isn't accepted. This is logic. Although he admitted that Quran is correct and said "it just happens the Quran was right" I also liked the 1st comment by Asif Rashid below the vido.



The thing about prophesies is that they’re supposed to be FOREtold, and people should go about wondering how and when a given prophesy will eventually be fulfilled. But there are no discernible prophesies in the Qur’an of the type you’re talking about. There is no statement made in advance of things that men can watch unfold as foretold. Instead, all you have are reverse extrapolations where you have to take something that has already happened and try to squeeze that into a contrived interpretation that could never have served as a prophesy in the first place.



Who made up these illogical rules?!  Logically, a prophesy must be accurate and isn't like the foggy words of Nostradamus and others which can fit  many events by coincidence. But, logically also, it could be made in a mysterious way so that nobody can discover it until it happens like this one: http://justpaste.it/Christ



And I think you even did THAT wrong. For example, look at what athyco said:

“if you used only the numbers relating to the chapter of the moon, you’d get 5/4/55 in the Islamic calendar, which would obviously be ridiculous in relation to Apollo 11. Second, if you began with the first verse of the chapter of the moon instead of the first verse of the next chapter “The Mercy Giving”, you’d have 5/4/1444, which means there shouldn’t be a moon landing until 31/10/2022.”



Oh, come on. This is silly. When you read my page: ( http://justpaste.it/Christ ) carefully, you will realize how silly this comment is, God willing. BTW, the chapter I am talking about is related directly to the 1st human landing on the moon because its title is (The Moon) while the title of the next chapter isn't related directly to the moon. 2nd: the number of the year 1389 contains 4 columns or digits. So, it so silly from athyco to ignore the 4 digits number related to the beginning of (the moon's chapter) and focus on another 2 digits number just to riot. 3rd: In fact the number he chosen which is the number of the chapter has another miracle related to the date of the 1st human landing on the moon because the day 5/5/1389 in the city of Mecca (Makkah) is the day 5/4/1389 in the USA. Isn't that amazing?!



So if the Qur’an actually did contain any prophesies then those who read them should have known what was foretold BEFORE it happened. But we know that never happens when all you really do is a reverse extrapolation of a contrived interpretation.



I already addressed this issue before some paragraphs.



Phil Hellenes demonstrated that brilliantly referring to another alleged prophesy that was imagined to be in the Qur’an. Enjoy.

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I have watched this silly video more than once long time ago. When you read this short page: (http://justpaste.it/theiron) you will realize how silly that video is, God willing.



So if you want to claim that any prophesies exist in the Qur’an at all, then show me where anyone ever wrote that they expected a given thing to happen BEFORE it happened.



Although I already explained to you that this rule is not a must for any prophecy I would surprise you by at least 2 prophecies:

 The 1st one happened at the time of prophet Muhammad exactly as the Quran prophesized on the first 4 verses of the chapter No. 30 over here: http://www.noblequran.com/translation

The 2nd one is coming on the year 2022 (after about 7 years from now) which is the decline of the state of Israel. This prophecy was discovered in the 90s by Dr. Bassam Jarrar who is the author of several great books as you can see on the following link and I hope that his discovery is correct: http://justpaste.it/israel . But, wither his discovery is correct or not, it is already scientifically and logically proven by many and many facts that Islam is the truth for sure 100% without any doubt. And the facts I mentioned is only a small part of the whole picture. So, I invite you all to embrace the religion sent from your creator, the religion of Islam (Sunni Islam) now without any delay because you could die any moment before you choose. You can't choose between paradise and hellfire after you die, but you can choose now. So, I hope that you all choose paradise now before it is too late. May God bless you all.


When you see false claims against Islam make sure 1st that the info is really related to an authentic Islamic reference such as Quran by making your own research over here for example: http://quran.com 

On this link you will find 6 famous translations of the holy Quran and will never find the word flat on it at all for example.


Anyway, when I talked about the level of P. Z. Myers scientifically, I wasn't comparing between me and him. I was comparing between him and these very high level scientists here:

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and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr9knjaOvnE&feature=youtu.be&t=24s 

Take a look at this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_L._Moore  and his great books for example


Quran didn't say that the mountains are like pegs or paperweights holding the map down. But it said "the mountains are wedges" and this is a normal description for mountains. Nothing is wrong with it at all
Quran didn't say that (the sun orbits the earth, each in their turn, but that the earth itself never moves). at all.
If you say: it did. Then, show me the verse or the verses