
Bitcoin Btc Price USD today, Chart, News, Prediction


Bitcoin Price Today (Btc Price Today) Bitcoin is the first successful digital currency based on peer-to-peer technology, with no central bank or body engaged in its transactions or creation. It was developed under the pseudonym- Satoshi Nakamoto. The source code is freely available as an open source project, and anybody can look at it and contribute to its development.

The way we now view money is changing because of bitcoin. The objective was to create a means of trade that could be exchanged electronically in a safe, verifiable, and unchangeable manner, independent of any central authority. It is decentralised peer-to-peer internet money that makes mobile payments simple, has very low transaction costs, secures your identity, and operates constantly without a central authority or banks. Bitcoin is designed to have a total supply of just 21 million BTC, making it a deflationary currency.


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