

Metoda de plata prin PayPal


[ IMPORTANT ] Pentru efectuarea platii:

1.Bifeaza a doua optiune "I'm sending money to family or friends" -> Continue
2.Inainte de a trimite banii,copy-paste la Message (Optional) :
"This transaction is sent as a payment for virtual goods I bought from Stefan.B VAND STEAM CS 1.6 (http://steamcommunity.com/id/stefan_crime/). I agree that absolutely no refunds are allowed, and I'm committed to the fact that any fees or charges during our exchange will be of my responsibility."





Pentru cei care nu stiu ce este Paypal ii voi ruga sa citeasca informatiile pe site-ul lor : www.paypal.com 
PayPal nu are nici o legatura cu creditul pe telefon!