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@anonymous · Aug 27, 2019

Historic Keyword Research


Want to know what the latest trend is or if a historic trend will soon happen again? Then you might want to do what is called a historic keyword research. So what is this and how do you use it? Historic keyword search is searches that have been possible in the past and can be very probably now. This can also be based on current history and demand for keywords as well. So why don't more people know about how to use this as far as advanced SEO is concerned. That may be because people don't know about it or how to use it.
When it comes to a search of this kind, Google has a program that is called Google Trends Labs. This works just like any search engine would with one exception. You can find the daily trends on the front page. You can also look for these trends by entering terms into the Labs search engine. This is basically a time based search engine that will help you to identify traffic spikes that may be coming up again and again. This is a very useful feature to have if you have something that has the potential to be searched again and again.
This can help with analysis of the web. This is very similar to the predictive SEO but this mainly has to do with analyzing sites and providing the keywords that are the most used about certain subjects that are either currently popular or have the potential to be. When using this particular service, you will need to enter at least one phrase, if not two. The way that you use this with two phrases is by separating them by a comma. Take a look at this example for instance: NASCAR, Champion.
This can be deceptive however, if you are looking for a certain amount of times that a certain champion has won, then you would need to enter the drivers name along with the preceding two words. That is how simple it is. You can get confused however if you are not sure how to use this SEO tactic to help you with your content or your site. There is a lot of information on the Google trends labs page at http://www.google.com/trends. This will give you some examples of how to use the particular program and what the latest hot trends really are.
If you are involved in journalism sites, this can be a god send. However, if you are selling anything, you can also use this site for the hot topics and to find out what is hot each day and with the information on the page about this site, you can also get more information about how to use this site to your advantage. So that is basically the advanced SEO of using historic keyword trends to not only be on top of what everyone is talking about, but also to boost your business and sales. This is an advanced technique that will also help you to rank your site higher.

The best way to get a complete picture of your site's best marketing tools is to let the professionals perform a Keyword Research Service for you.