I thank you for signing up and being a GeekPlane enthusiast Ref (signup.geekplane.com).
In case you forgot GeekPlane is a travel exchange community where #Geeks (Developers & Designers) travel the world for free to work on interesting tech projects. #Startups sponsor the travel & stay in exchange for temp work or help with their tech projects. Its a win-win for all!
We plan on going live soon however figured that a lot travel plans & startup offers can't wait. If you're a #Geek wanting to travel or a startup with an offer we are happy to make it happen by posting it on our blog and sharing the same with the community
Our blog is live (blog.geekplane.com). Check it out and do spread the love! It's yours so if you want to do a guest post or promote your offer sensibly & ethically just let us know and we shall add you as a contributor.
We were thinking of an online group GeekPlane conference on Skype / Twitter or GoToMeetings where there's an open dialogue between #startups & #geeks. Last but not the least kudos to Lee Mallon, Prateek Gupta, Nathanial Wilson, Louis Runder & Ashwin Bhambri who have been contributing (code / design / business / community) unconditionally. Let us know if you would like to contribute -- we are happy to give you access to the project
Feel free to respond to this mail & keep the conversation going
Initiator, GeekPlane