

Cheer up!



Do you know that you are the most intelligent and great person I’ve met? I really mean everything I said, and this one is included. You’re able to do and reach everything that you want. There’s nothing that can stopping you. You deserve all the wins, goods, firsts, and succeeds because you’re worth and valid for all of that.


I’m sorry that you have to stop here. I’m really sorry that you can’t show your ability for solving the clue, or for answering the canons and riddles as quick as possible as if those questions are nothing for you. I’m sorry that the Swedish is such a shit, that they didn’t even say an apologize for you properly, righteously. But hey, you know what? You lose nothing. It’s them who lost the most shining diamond.


Cheer up.


You already did a great job. You did nothing wrong. No one blaming you. Stop feeling sorry towards everyone around you.


I am so proud of you.


So proud.


Of you.


Thankyou for all the big efforts that you put so much in this. I might repeat this for one more hundred times, but I really am so proud of you. Thankyou for keep walking on a right path. Thankyou for keep on doing things that you think is right.


Hell the result is, you are the valid winner in this tournament. Ones can say otherwise. But in my eyes. You are still the valid winner.


Great job, Altira.



Drink this coffee before you go off to bed. Nah, worries not, it won’t keep you awake. I promise.




I might or might not add a tiny drop of happiness potion but you didn’t have to know that. Wink wonk.







with tons of love

and undying supports,
