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@anonymous · Dec 4, 2012

filchedHonorarium [FH] joined chat.

centaursTesticle [CT] joined chat.

FH: uh

CT: D --> Hello

FH: who is this ex/\ctly?

CT: D --> My name is Equius

FH: i see

FH: would you be interested in p/\rticip/\ting in /\n /\nonymous sur\/ey?

CT: D --> Sure

FH: by which i me/\n i'm the /\nonymous one conducting the sur\/ey

CT: D --> Alright

FH: ok/\y

FH: h/\\/e you e\/er he/\rd of the midd/\y in\/iltrizer?

CT: D --> No

FH: oh

FH: well, th/\t's the sur\/ye

CT: D --> Tell me about it

FH: she's /\ troll who h/\s been bre/\king into hi\/es /\nd ste/\ling junk l/\tely

CT: D --> Is that so

FH: i'm trying to see if there's been /\ny spre/\d of her exploits by word-of-mouth, but no luck so f/\r

FH: i guess i should come up with some more questions so i don't completely w/\ste your time

CT: D --> The only logical reason you would care about that is if you are her

FH: wh/\t?

FH: no

FH: wh/\t?

FH: wh/\te\/er g/\\/e you th/\t ide/\?

FH: th/\t sounds pretty cr/\zy, m/\n

CT: D --> "i'm trying to see if there's been /\ny spre/\d of her e%ploits by word-of-mouth, but no luck so f/\r"

CT: D --> That wording would only be used by the thief

FH: you re/\d w/\/\/\/\/\/\y too much into stuff, dude

FH: i'm just /\ concerned citizen

CT: D --> Sure you are

FH: ye/\h

FH: s/\y, while we're on the subject, where did you s/\y you li\/ed /\g/\in?

CT: D --> I didn't

FH: oh, i see

CT: D --> And I will not tell you

FH: so

FH: why not?

FH: just m/\king con\/ers/\tion

CT: D --> You are clearly the thief

FH: you /\re cle/\rly p/\r/\noid, m/\n

FH: you h/\\/e to le/\rn to trust people

FH: or you'll ne\/er be h/\ppy

CT: D --> I trust those who earn it and who don't act suspiciously

arsenicCatnip [AC] joined chat.

CT: D --> Nepeta. Do not trust this troll

FH: who/\, now you're b/\d-mouthing me in front of others?

AC: :33 < *ac is purrplexed and is not purrfectly sure she knows what's going on*

FH: this guys h/\s serious trust issues

AC: :33 < *she tilts her head and pawnders why her meowrail would warn her of the stranger*

CT: D --> You have givven me no reason to trust you

FH: if he's your friend, it is your duty to help him open up to others

CT: D --> You are very clearly a thief

FH: if i g/\\/e you /\ re/\son to trust me, th/\t wouldn't be trust, would it?

CT: D --> Trust is earned

FH: no, trust is belie\/ing in something without /\ny e\/idence

CT: D --> That is blind faith

AC: :33 < huh? :<<

AC: :33 < equius, what's going on?

FH: then how /\bout some f/\ith?

AC: :33 < a theif?

CT: D --> Faith is useless

CT: D --> And yes

CT: D --> A thief

AC: :33 < *ac growls slightly under her purreth*

FH: i /\sked this guy /\bout /\ thief /\nd now he thinks i /\m one

FH: for no re/\son

FH: wh/\tsnore\/er

CT: D --> I have plenty reason to suspect you

AC: :33 < well, i know fur a fact that my meowrail's judgement is purretty k33n

CT: D --> "i'm trying to see if there's been /\ny spre/\d of her e%ploits by word-of-mouth, but no luck so f/\r"

CT: D --> "s/\y, while we're on the subject, where did you s/\y you li\/ed /\g/\in?"

AC: :33 < sounds pawfully fishy if you ask me >://

FH: see, if i w/\s t/\lking /\bout myself there, i would h/\\/e s/\id "my" inste/\d of "her"

FH: this is simple stuff here

CT: D --> Not if you were trying to be sneaky

AC: :33 < *ac nods her ehad in agr33ment with ct*

FH: if i w/\s trying to be sne/\ky, wouldn't i h/\\/e done it in /\ less sne/\ky w/\y?

FH: i me/\n, if i w/\s the thief

FH: which i'm not

CT: D --> You are simply bad at lying

AC: :33 < *ac gives fh a purrticularly disgusted look*

AC: :33 < i agr33, equius.

AC: :33 < she's really bad.

FH: now th/\t's just insulting

AC: :33 < *ac twitches her tail in a furrustrated manner*

CT: D --> You asked me where I said I lived, when I said no such thing, right after I accused you of thievery

AC: :33 < if you are just a citizen, then why are you so concerned with this thief?

FH: it w/\s /\n honest mist/\ke, m/\n

AC: :33 < have they stolen anything furrom you?

FH: e\/ery citizen should be concerned /\bout the thief

FH: she is /\ m/\ster of her /\rt

FH: /\s de\/ious

FH: /\s she is

FH: be/\utiful

CT: D --> Not helping your case mystery girl

FH: wh/\t

FH: i'm being objecti\/e here

AC: :33 < and not efurry citizen would care enough to go investigating fur themselves...

CT: D --> No you are not

FH: who/\, hold b/\ck now

FH: let's no go throwing /\round n/\sty words like "in\/estig/\ting" now

AC: :33 < *ac reveals her furrocious claws and hisses at fh*

FH: th/\t word h/\s some serious implic/\tions

AC: :33 < does not!

FH: like, wh/\t if you found out who the thief w/\s?

FH: wh/\t would h/\ppen then?

CT: D --> You are not being objective. You called 'her' beautiful. And you still wont say your name

CT: D --> We'd report the thief

FH: but think /\bout the r/\mific/\tions of th/\t!

CT: D --> The thief would be caught

CT: D --> the only ramification

FH: you could destroy her reput/\tion /\s /\n unc/\tch/\ble m/\ster of burgl/\ry!

FH: her st/\tus would be ruined!

AC: :33 < that's it...

CT: D --> Only the thief would care about the thief's reputation

AC: :33 < *ac tacklepounces fh an bares her furrocious fangs*

FH: well excuse me for trying to put other people before myself

CT: D --> Just admit it

AC: :33 < a thief should not be worried about!

FH: some people /\re so selfish...

AC: :33 < *she snarls in fh's face, pinning her to the ground*

FH: uh, *fh continues to procl/\im her innocence*

CT: D --> Fat chance thief

FH: */\ mob of people run in /\nd st/\rt t/\lking /\bout how nice /\nd not-thief-like fh is*

CT: D --> Accomplices

AC: :33 < *ac sniffs the air*

AC: :33 < they all smell like you.

CT: D --> I'm going to call the legislacerators

AC: :33 < *she turns to fh and continues holding her down*

FH: /\nd tell them wh/\t?

FH: "this troll i w/\s t/\lking to seemed like /\ thief for no re/\son /\nd i don't know who she is or wh/\t she's done"

CT: D --> At the very least you are a criminal sympathizer

FH: m/\ybe i just h/\\/e /\n eye for up-/\nd-coming people of import/\nce

CT: D --> thieves are of no importance

FH: they /\ren't?

AC: :33 < and why is a thief deserving of that? you're impawsible...

CT: D --> Thieves are criminal scum

AC: :33 < all they do is cause trouble fur efurryone

FH: c/\n't you think of /\ single thief th/\t h/\s h/\d some sort of big imp/\ct on society?

CT: D --> Not if you don't count causing problems

FH: but, c/\n't you think of /\ny thie\/es who h/\\/e h/\d some sort of imp/\ct on your life?

CT: D --> No

AC: :33 < none at all. not in a pawsitive way, at least.

FH: oh

CT: D --> *calls legislacerators*

FH: i guess if you c/\n't think of /\ny gre/\t thie\/es /\t /\ll...

FH: m/\ybe it is just /\ pipe dre/\m

CT: D --> It's over

AC: :33 < you're done fur

FH: oh, no

FH: i'll be fine

CT: D --> That's what you think

FH: this entire /\ccount is double-b/\ck encrypted

FH: tot/\lly untr/\ce/\ble

CT: D --> That's what you think

AC: :33 < *ac tilts her head in confusion*

FH: /\nd e\/en if it w/\sn't, i doubt you're going to get m/\ny \/olunteers to come get me

FH: i li\/e in kind of /\n uncomfort/\ble /\re/\

CT: D --> We already have you

AC: :33 < right in our paws :33

FH: th/\t doesn't e\/en m/\ke /\ny sense

AC: :33 < h33h33

CT: D --> *pulls out bounty hunting licence*

CT: D --> How about now

AC: :33 < *ac pulls out her licence, as well*

FH: ... ok/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\y

FH: i'm just going to bow out now

CT: D --> You're not going anywhere

AC: :33 < we knew about you long befurr you even contacted equius!

FH: w/\it, you did?

FH: you're not y/\nking my ch/\in here, /\re you?

CT: D --> I was a trap and you fell for it

AC: :33 < of course :pp

FH: re/\lly?

FH: i

FH: i'm f/\mous?

AC: :33 < not quite

CT: D --> Small bounty

FH: but there /\re people who know /\bout me /\nd wh/\t i do?

AC: :33 < *ac unravels her wanted poster*

FH: yes!!!!!

AC: :33 < barely anyone, actually

FH: /\nyone is enough!

FH: i lo\/e you guys!

FH: th/\nk you so much!

AC: :33 < and your bounty is one of the smallest we've come across...

FH: /\nd remember....

FH: lock your doors...

AC: :33 < *ac is pawsitively purrplexed*

CT: D --> *knocks fh out*

FH: or the midd/\y infiltrizor will come /\ c/\lling!

filchedHonorarium [FH] disconnected.

AC: :33 < ...

AC: :33 < wat.

CT: D --> lol idk

centaursTesticle [CT] disconnected.