
I don't know how much consideration S2 has for its customers or even if they don't care at all. I just got real pissed at them for some time now.

I really regret saying this, because HoN has been my favorite game for 4 years straight and was the first RTS (dota-like) game I played and started enjoying. Here, I'll say what really bothers me...

Small things:

We all know S2 has some balancing issues, many heroes are slightly OP when compared with other heroes, and thanks to that, many "oldschool" heroes are no longer used, one because the new heroes are a lot better and two because the old heroes require a team with strategies and all (which is good, but hard to acquire) to make it work. Even on the competitive scene (mainly carriers) these heroes have vanished...

Or I'm really dumb and blind or S2 removed their email where the community could send them many types of messages, as example, a message to report a player. Now we can only do that ingame, which would be cool and all wasn't it for the fact that the game mode Mid-Wars has no report system. I don't report players for feeding or not playing well, I only report players who are racist towards other players. I coudn't find any other way to report a player besides the in-game method (correct me if I'm wrong, for it's been a while since I visited the forums). This really bothered me.

The replay system is not working on the "latin-HoN" (correct me if S2 plans to, or has already fixed this issue since there were plenty of patches already).

My HoN Dreams account got unnaccessible.

Those are the worth-mentioning issues I had in note.

Big thing:

This is what realls bothered me, the most hideous thing S2 did and I'm sure I'm not the only one who got affected by it.

The latin-american IP got blocked. Forcing whoever live in Latin-america to move to another "HoN" where we could only access a single server, which doesn't reduce any amount of lag, and doesn't even provide an option to play on the servers that we were used to with the people we were used to. After this obligatory transition (which removes our accounts from the "International HoN") I wasn't able to play with any of my north-american friends.

There are at least 3 things that really pisses me off about the above issue. Why should I be forbidden to play with whoever I want to play? Why am I obligated to play with people with who I can't communicate properly?  Why I had no option to whether I wanted or not to migrate?

Of course I had the option to not migrate, which meant to don't be able to play HoN.

Why would S2 deliberately screw over 2 thounsand people? This is clearly something that a company which cares for its customers woudn't do, but S2 proved me wrong, they don't seem to give a damn.

I shoudn't be taking this too personal, but I did, why? Because I followed HoN since its babysteps. I played the beta phase, I even purchased it a long time ago in order to acquire nickname rights or something like that. I also got 4 friends of mine to buy the game on the same time line and 2 more later on. Not to mention the sh*t tons of coins I've purchased in order to support S2 in exchange of some "neat" stuffs. I don't know about other people, but I feel like I've been screwed in the as* without my concent.

And what really pisses me off is that S2 didn't even give a reasonable response towards this IP block bullsh*t. Hell, I don't want to learn spanish to play decently again. I don't even want to speak my national language with other people in-game. My english is fine the way it is and why the hell I can't play with english-speakers?

I got so f*cking angry that I decided to quit playin HoN, anyone could care less about a st*pid game. But I coudn't. I tried playing Dota2 (too slow for my tastes), Dota (which its age has passed long ago) and even that bloody piece of crap called League of Legends. HoN is the type of game I want to play and S2 is not making that easier in any way.


I rather stop now before I start to sound too unreasonable...

I'd like to get at least a MOD's response.