

In 1976 key figures from the cybernetics and related Cambridge circles (including the Tavistock Institute) created INSNA, the International Network of Social Network Analysis, the leading social engineering network ever since. Their intention was to destroy the possibility that creativity could upset the equilibrium of the predetermined “ecology” of the system (and therefore the Oligarchy’s control). “Change agents” could be introduced into social networking media to bring the field of discussion back to the drab uniformity of consensus.


INSNA players developed some of the software for social network analysis, such as UCINET and SOCNET, which could analyze social networking sites such as myspace.com, facebook.com, ancestry.com, or multiple interface gaming sites. The cybernetic “change agents” developed technologies to map the fl ow of rumours through society, which they claim spread like the transmission of epidemics, such as AIDS.This technology could also be used to create social movements, thereby setting the stage for gang and counter-gang conflicts—techniques entirely coherent with those used in Venetian or British colonialism.These programs could be used to “herd” popular opinion into a desired direction. People were required to provide full psychological profiles that could be used for manipulation. Then the social engineers could outline a “group think” matrix, like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book, letting you think you came up with any particular option yourself, but precluding any real creativity.