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@anonymous · Jul 14, 2012 · edited: Jul 18, 2012

THE SOURCE: gw2.dat/strings/


These files have been renamed to .txt in order to search them more easily.




The call has gone out: Zhaitan's forces threaten the Pact's new headquarters at Fort Trinity. If Zhaitan succeeds here, the Pact's war against the Elder Dragons will end before it ever truly began.–


Giant boss zhaitn

Giant boss jormag 

Giant boss kralkatorrik.  

giant boss Primordus


Claw Island is a small island of barren stone at the mouth of Sanctum Harbor. Created during the early years of the city, the fortress has stood for a generation as the first line of defense against Zhaitan and Orr. It has never been overcome.


Jormag Attunement.

Primordus Attunement

Zhaitan Attunement

Kralkatorrik Attunement


With Zhaitan's defeat, the Pact is exploring the human City of the Gods to gain more knowledge about the Elder Dragons.


It was Zhaitan, the Elder Undead Dragon, that pulled Orr from the depths .  

The massacre of Orr gave the dragon fertile ground to create its horrific army .


The Pact is newly formed, but its dedication is unquestioned. All races, all orders of Tyria, are represented in battle against Zhaitan. Upon this alliance lies the future of the world.

Zhaitan will consume all who oppose him.

Defeat the Claw of Jormag

Here, we draw the line! Here, and no further, Zhaitan! Your servants will never claim Lion's Arch!

My friend, It's time to begin the Pact's unified effort against Zhaitan. Our future headquarters is already under construction, but I need your input on another important matter: I have called representatives from all three orders in to present my initial proposals on the Pact's command structure, logisitcs, combat strategies, and other important issues. I need you there. Please join me in Concordia as soon as you can.


Give me the gems and I'll repair the seal. Then Zhaitan will never be able to coalesce.¶


You've done it. The Source of Orr has been cleansed, and King Reza himself has been freed from torment. Now all that remains is to slay Zhaitan... but first, it is for the troops of the Pact to have a BIG AMERICAN PARTY!!!!!!


You see? You see? Zhaitan can be harmed. It can be defeated.

You cannot harm Zhaitan's head with normal weapons, but those ship cannons might weaken it.

Zhaitan steals knowledge from those it corrupts. Those who fall to the Elder Dragon cannot help but betray their fellows.


These waters will swallow you and Zhaitan will feast on your mind!


Zhaitan controls the gateway to the Mists. By his command, I live again.n

(gasp) Did you see that? Zhaitan's agent just consumed a powerful magical artifact!

That roar...and that other Eye...it looked at us. Through us! And Zhaitan must see what it sees.

Destroy the Eye of Zhaitan.

Kill the Mouth of Zhaitan


Zhaitan is no more, but the ruined city of the human gods holds greater mysteries




The Seventh Law of Maginamics posits that magical energy cannot be destroyed. Today I will prove that magic is a limited resource like water, ore, or timber . 

They consume magic at an alarming rate. If the dragons are not stopped soon, they will leech all of the magic from the world.

Ah, bosh! Magic doesn't get "consumed." It changes form and concentration, but it always returns. It's part of a closed system.   

I have proof! The data is...where did I leave those notes? I must have left them in my lab.  

Please excuse me while I fetch my records. I can prove the problem exists, then we can focus on its solution .    

An exhaustive study of Tyrian physiognomy led me to derive what I call Cepha's Constant.  

Multiplied by the mean ratio of body mass to brain size, it yields an important racial metric.  

Namely, said race's importance as a factor in the Eternal Alchemy.    

Your attention, please. I have just been informed that our colleague Gorr will not be returning.    

The Arcane Eye reports that he was killed in a tragic lab accident while recovering his notes.


Professor Gorr now has conclusive proof of his theory that the Elder Dragons consume magic itself. Now the challenge is to get that proof past Rakt and the Arcane Eye and into the hands of asura everywhere.




The power of the Bloodstones once restricted the use of magic, but that control has weakened with the passing of time.




2 unknown dragon models:






Order AI-controlled party members to the next location clicked

You may only have one rentable contract NPC out at a time.


Mini Battle Box

You have 30 seconds to activate a new mini.



Mini Deck

Miniature Conquest

Master of Miniature Mayhem

Monthly Mini-pet Champion

Miniature Conqueror

1% mini battle wins    

2% Miniature Battle Wins

Your miniatures are resltess for battle. Onward they march rank by rank.

Or a mini-pet booster for just hanging out around town and sparring with your friends .

Customize your mini battle groups by picking up mini battle boxes! Each one holds 9 mini pets and 20 battle orders.(sold separately)


New polymock miniatures available for sale now!




Legendary Collector (DISABLED)  1% Unique Legendary Items

Contract Guild Spy 

(DISABLED) Hire an espionage agent who can report to your team the amount of seige held inside the nearest WvW fortification

Current Map Plans(DISABLED) Guild members in the same map where these plans are used recieve +5% exp for 6 hours. Stacks with different exp Plans

Influence Transfer(DISABLED)Creates a Mystical Message which will send 1000 Influence to your guild on another world. Guild must be established on that world.

Liquid Asset(DISABLED)Guild members have 5% increased movement speed when swimming. Does not work in competitive PvP.

Worm Hole(DISABLED) This wonderous asuran device can summon all guild members to your location once. Limit one built at a time.

Wishing Well(DISABLED) If enough of us throw items and cash in here.. maybe something awesome and rare will pop out..




Eye Of the North structure.


